Use "pterodactyl|pterodactyls" in a sentence

1. This pterodactyl business is dragging on

2. Some like dragons with wings, others great birds like pterodactyls.

3. Who can give me some sea reptile and pterodactyl 's English name?

4. We have no way of knowing whether any other animals now extinct - pterodactyls perhaps? - also evolved the technology independently.

5. Recent discoveries suggest that pterosaurs, the best known of which is the pterodactyl, could have had a wingspan of up to 59ft.

6. What has affected global markets is that when China flew into formation it was adding a demographic pterodactyl to the flying geese.

7. The natural history museum, a single 100003600 million years ago pterodactyl egg mysterious hatch. The whole city is in terror of sky.

8. Defensively, no one's going to argue that The Kid's Pterodactyl wingspan isn't as good as it gets—but Jefferson is learning, getting better, and becoming tougher.

9. And looking at the bones of three different pterodactyl species, the Hopkins scientist concludes that there's no way those legs were strong enough to get that bulk airborne.

10. The new creature is from the Darwinopterus genus, or grouping, but has been dubbed simply as "Mrs T" (a contraction of "Mrs Pterodactyl") by the research team.

11. Taizhou Pterodactyl Green Farm Produce co. , Ltd Brief Introduction The east seashore of Zhejiang, the beautiful city of Linhai, it is one of the areas with more developed coastal economy of China.

12. Thunderbird sightings: Giant birds or pterodactyl-like flying creature with wingspans 8–12 feet are claimed to have been seen in Hockomock Swamp and neighboring Taunton, including a report by Norton Police Sergeant Thomas Downy.